International Workshops 1 – Workshop Biennale Spazio Pubblico 2017

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International Workshops on Public Space and International Cooperation

GIORNO E ORA: 25 maggio, 14:30-18:30

Aula Libera


Workshops’ background

The 2017 Biennial is the first edition occurring after two important international developments. In September 2016, all of the world’s Heads of State adopted ”Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. One of the Agenda’s 17 Goals, (#11), is to “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. And one of the goal’s targets is devoted to public space, and reads: “11.7 By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities”.

In addition, the New Urban Agenda adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) contains numerous references to public space as a key element for improving cities and the quality of life within cities, thus reinforcing the argumentations contained in the joint UN-HABITAT/INU “Global Public Space Toolkit” publication.

The Biennial is the only regular international event exclusively devoted to the topic of public space. Therefore, and in the wake of the global challenges posed by the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda, one of the topics of its 2017 edition is “Public Space and International Cooperation”.  The workshop will take place on the first two days of the Biennial’s concluding event and will help draft recommendations for the localization of the SDG 11.7 and identify key levers for the implementation of the New urban Agenda, present samples of the richness of public-space approaches in different regions of the world and implicitly reinforce the value of more frequent and systematic exchanges on public space experiences as a useful basis for achieving target 11.7 and contributing to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

The 2017 Biennial of Public Space received two hundred public space practices (projects, events, experiences of partnership and active citizenship, thematic workshops) submitted in response to the call issued in December 2016. These experiences will form the basis for the development of key recommendations on the importance of international co-operation and city-to-city leaning exchanges to further the principles set out in the ” Charter of Public Space”.

Moreover, the workshop will offer the opportunity to underline one of the Toolkit’s basic premises – that a fundamental way to improve the quality and fair distribution of public space in our cities requires an integrated city-wide approach. This will be done through a training exercises led by UN-HABITAT on city-wide public space assessment; city-wide, public-space led planning; and the Toolkit itself.

The key results of the workshops will be consolidated in recommendations to be presented for adoption at the concluding event’s final plenary session.

Venue, language, dates, duration, equipment

This workshops (“International Cooperation 1” and “International Cooperation 2” will take place alongside several others in one of the lecture rooms of the Department of Architecture of Rome’s third university, at the “ex mattatoio” (See for details).

The language of the workshops will be English. Each presentation will be allowed 15 minutes, with a contained follow-up space for Q&A.

The workshops will be held on Thursday 25 May from 2:30 to 6:30 pm and on Friday morning from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm.

The room will be equipped with projector and a large screen and tables along the walls that can be used to display panels.


International Cooperation 1 (Presentations): Thursday 25 May, 2:30-6:30 pm

2:30 –2:45pm


Introduction to the session and desired outputs:

Pietro Garau, INU;

Laura Petrella, UN-HABITAT;

Anna Zambrano, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Coooperation, Italy


Session 1 – Engaging communities in creating safe, inclusive and accessible public spaces
2:45 – 3:00 Building engagement, social inclusion and integration among refugees and local communities through participatory design of public spaces

The ToGheTher(e) international project and the participatory rehabilitation of a degraded public space in the northern outskirts of Rome, Italy

Interazioni Urbane (Italy), Habitat Sin Fronteras (Colombia), Uelkom (Colombia) and LatamLabs (Mexico)


Elisa Maceratini, Interazioni Urbane


3:00 – 3:15 Engaged art performance to animate degraded public spaces in Wroclav, Poland + videos Stowarzyszenie Aktywnych Społecznie “Trampolina” + artists &Museum of Contemporary Art Joanna Wyrwa


3:15 – 3:30 Public space design to improve the living conditions of young girls in vulnerable urban areas & on-line mapping of good practices in participatory public space design


Urban Girls Movement – Global Utmaning, Kounkuey Design Initiative & White Architects


Viktoria Walldin, Angeliga Åkerman & Elin Andersdotter Fabre,


3:30 – 3:45 Discussion on key recommendations for advancing international co-operation and implementation of the New Urban Agenda

Session 2 – Universities supporting  cities/neighbourhoods in developing safe, inclusive and accessible public space for all


3:45-4:00 Public Libraries as public space: the case of Japan and Dharavi, Mumbai, India Squareworks, Mumbai; Meiji University, Tokyo; Dharavi Art Room, Mumbai; Japan Library Association; Trilogy, a private library in Mumbai, India;Tarq Gallery, Mumbai Katsushi Goto
< >-Himamshu Shady-Hena Kapadia
4:00-4:15 Regeneration of Strada di Sant Pere Mitjà, historic centre, Barcelona, Spain Enna Kore/

Escola Tecnica Superior de Arquitecture del Vallès (ETSAV) / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/ &others

Gianluca Burgio



4:15 – 4:30




4:30 – 4:45

Focusing on the multigenerational city. A community based participatory research conducted by the Rome




WorkshopCo-Production of Temporary Interventions in Public Space as a Tool for Placemaking

“The Rome Workshop” Cornell University in Rome – College of Architecture, Art and Planning


University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth City Council, UK;

Gregory Smith, Viviana Andriola, Serena Muccitelli


Guido Robazza <>


4:45 – 5:00 Discussion on key recommendations for advancing international co-operation and implementation of the New Urban Agenda

Session 3International cooperation and the role of cities in public space

5:00 –5:15 Generation and sustainability of public space in Bogota’, Colombia Defensoría del Espacio Público (DADEP) Guillermo Enrique Avila Barragan and Claudia Patricia Galvis Sanchez


5:15 – 5:30 Joint pilot programme to promote sport and physical activity in public spaces to work towards the goal of building safe, liveable communities in Johannesburg, South Africa City of Johannesburg,  GIZ;

Sport for Social Change Network

Ayanda Roji >

5:30– 5:45 “Barranco Invertido”: Ravines as territorial and urban landscape economic opportunities – Atlas.
Highlighting the Case Study: “La Jungla Urbana”. Four proposals of public-space interventions in Guatemala City, Guatemala
Ciudad de Guatemala Planning Department & local communities Alejandro Biguria


5:45 – 6:00


The URBACT model and public space – European exchange and learning programmes promoting sustainable urban development


National Association of  Italian Municipalities (ANCI)


Elisa Filippi


6:00 – 6:30 Discussion on key recommendations for advancing international co-operation and implementation of the New Urban Agenda. Rapporteurs: Pietro Garau and Laura Petrella




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